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Steps for Submitting an IRB Proposal
for EDD 630/EDD 631

Summary of Steps

Following is a summary of the steps to submit your IRB proposal. You can click on a step to go down to a more detailed explanation of it. The left-hand side menu can also be used to navigate the steps..
  1. Complete “Submission_Form_-_Research_with_Human_Subject_Determination_v_11_2012.docx”
  2. Obtain your CITI ethics training receipt
  3. Log into IRBNet.org and upload both of those forms
  4. Add any supplemental data-collection files (such as surveys, observation checlists, etc.)
  5. Complete the online “CUNY - Application for Approval to Use Human Participants in Research, Part I” form
  6. Share your proposal with any group members and with your instructor (me)
  7. “Sign” your proposal
  8. Submit your proposal

Detailed Steps

  1. Complete Submission_Form_-_Research_with_Human_Subject_Determination_v_11_2012.docx
    • Clicking on that link will download a partially-completed version. Save this to your computer.

    • Tips for completing section III (on page 2):
      1. The intent/purpose can be based on your hypothesis and/or objectives. Do, however, remember to indicate that the primary intent of your project is to improve your practice as an educator through carefully observing the sorts of activities you do or may conduct during normal practice.

      2. Describing interactions with individuals can be taken from parts of your procedure. Make sure you note that the identities of all participants will be kept confidential and that all data you collect will be stored in a secure, locked place (like your home and/or a locked file cabinet) and destroyed when the project is completed. Also note that all participants will be treated respectfully and allowed to withdraw from the project at any time without penalty.

      3. The place can be a school, if that’s where you will indeed conduct it. Your role is both investigator and practitioner.

      4. The purposed end-result of the project is both to help your participants (and future students in similar situations) and to nurture your growth as a reflective educator who can use similar investigative techniques in the future to find ways to better help your students through careful, objective observations of new techniques and strategies.

        In addition, make sure to make it clear that you will not be making your project or results public. It will not be presented orally or in print to any public audience. The only people to whom you will share your results are your fellow EDD 631 students and instructor. Further, when it is presented to this private audience, all information about the participants will be anonymized and aggregated: Identities of all participants will be kept strictly confidential and results will be conveyed in ways that ensure that the identities of the participants are unknowable. Data will be stored in a secure. locked location.
    • For part IV, question 1, check “no”; that question is essentially asking if you’re being compensated for your research/intervention or otherwise doing it as part of an exchange with the school.

  2. Obtain your CITI ethics training receipt
    If you no longer have an electronic receipt of your CITI ethics training, you can go to https://www.citiprogram.org/default.asp and log in to get it. From the home page:
    1. Click on the “Click here to see your previously completed coursework for City University of New York (CUNY)” link

    2. Click on the “Print Completion Report” link

    3. Print the page that next appears as a .pdf file.

  3. Log into IRBNet.org and upload both of those forms
    1. Log in to IRBNet.org

    2. Access your project
      • If you have not already started a project,click on the “Create New Project” link in the left-hand menu, using the title of your paper from EDD 630 and Ellery Samuels as the Principal Investigator.

      • If you have created one already:
        1. Click on the title of it in the table in the main part of the page.

        2. Click on the word “Designer” in the middle of the page; this will take you to the page where you can upload your files and complete the online form.

    3. Upload your Human Subject Determination and your CITI ethics training forms
      1. On the Designer page, click the “Add New Document” button

      2. Click the Browse button to upload your determination form, and choose “Proposal” as the Document Type.

      3. Follow the same procedure to upload your CITI training receipt, choosing “Training/Certification” as the Document Type.
        Note that you will need to upload the CITI training receipts for all of your group members (if you have any).

      4. Click the “Add” button to upload each file.

  4. Add any supplemental files
    If you’re using any data-collection instruments like surveys, observation checklists, etc., upload them to your project package as well. You do not need to upload lesson plans, course materials, or other other purely educational materials.
    1. On the Designer main page, click the “Add New Document” button

    2. Browse to the file on your computer, etc.

    3. “Data Collection,” “Questionnaire/Survey,” or “Other” are likely options for Document Type; you can further explain it the the Description field.

    4. Click the “Add” button and repeat uploading supplemental files as needed.

  5. Complete the online “CUNY - Application for Approval to Use Human Participants in Research, Part I”
    1. From the Designer page, make sure “CUNY - Application for Approval to Use Human Participants in Research, Part I” appears in the On-Line Document field, and click on the “Add” button right below that.

    2. “Requested Review Type” should be Determination of Exemption

    3. For the Principal Investigator Information, use:
      • PI Relationship to CUNY: Full-time employee (non-faculty)

      • PI Primary CUNY Campus Affiliation: College of Staten Island

      • PI Department: Education Department

      • PI Address: 3S-207A

      • PI Phone: 718-982-4130

      • PI Email: el.samuels@csi.cuny.edu

    4. Is the Research Contact/Coordinator different from the PI?: No

    5. Will there be Co-Investigators or other Key Personnel for this project?: Yes

    6. On the “Key Personnel Information” page, give your contact information. If you have other group members, click on the “Add Another Team Member” button at the bottom to add their information,too. Your role can be Other: Student.

    7. Likely selections for >Research Procedures are Behavioral or psychological intervention, Group characteristics or behaviors, Educational evaluation, Educational records, Educational tests, and/or Interviews.

    8. Risk Classification: Minimal

    9. You may indicate Non-CUNY Research Sites, such as the school you’ll collect data in, if you do. If so, note that schools do have an IRB, but permission has not been granted (we hopefully won't need to seek it).

    10. The Subject Population will likely be Children
      1. Note that if, on the online form Application for Approval to Use Human Participants in Research, Part I, you marked you would include Children in section VII, Subject Information: Subject Population, then you will be asked to complete CUNY IRB Supplement Form A: Research Involving Children as Subjects. For this form:

        1. In Section II, check “Research not involving greater than minimal risk

        2. In Section III, check “The intervention or procedure involved in the research holds out a prospect of direct benefit that is important to the health or wellbeing of the children and is available only in the context of the research — please explain why not
          1. As your explanation, note that XXX

      2. There is (likely) no Conflict of Interest or Project Funding.

      3. When done, click the “Save and Exit” button; you’ll be taken back to the Designer main page. If you’ve uploaded your determination and CITI training forms, there shouldn’t be any other forms you need to complete and upload (despite it asking for the Child Supplement).

    11. Share your proposal with any group members and with me
      You need to share your project package with me; if you are conducting your project with other students, you will need to “share” it with your other group members as well. Note, your group members will also need to have create accounts in IRBNet.org. To share your project:
      • On the Designer home page, click on the word “Shared” in the phrase “Shared with the following IRBNet users” (or click the “Share this Project” button on the left), and then click on “Share” on the next page.

      • Choose “College of Staten Island (CUNY), Staten Island, NY” from the list of organizations and click the “Select Organization” button.

      • One the next page, type in, e.g., your group member’s or my last name in the field next to “Search for a User:” to find them.

      • Give your members full permission, and Save. Repeat for each group member.

    12. “Sign” your proposal
      1. Click the “Sign this Package” button in the left-hand menu bar on the Designer page

      2. On the next page, choose “Co-Investigator” from the drop-down menu

      3. Then click the “Sign” button.

      4. A dialogue box will appear asking you for your IRBNet username and password enter them both and then click the “Continue” button.

      5. You will see your name added to the table on that page that is preceded by “This package has been signed by:”

    13. Submit your proposal
      When all of this is done, click on the “Submit this Package” button on the left-hand menu of the main page (or click on the word “here” in the phrase “Click here to submit this package for review.” in the main part of the page).