

  • t-Tests & F-Tests
  • Basic Concepts of ANOVAs
  • Types of ANOVAs

t-Tests & F-Tests

Tests of Mean Differences

  • t- and F-tests are tests of mean differences
    • t-tests are used for two means
    • F-tests are used for three or more means
  • I.e., They are used to test whether two means are significantly different from each other
  • Nonetheless, they can also be used to test if means are different than zero


  • Invented by William Gosset
    • Devised to test differences in small samples
  • Tests the size of a mean difference against a distribution of size differences one would expect if there was no real difference
    • I.e., if the mean difference we got was just by chance
    • If the mean difference is big enough—given that sample size—then we reject that the mean difference we got is part of the null distribution
    • And thus significant
  • The distribution tested against is a t-distribution
    • Which approximates a normal distribution


  • Invented by Ronald Fisher
    • Called “F” in his honor by George Snedecor, who used it in his contributions to creating ANOVA family tests
  • Devised to test signal-to-noise ratios
    • Thus seeing if enough variance is accounted for by a variable to be considered significant
  • Turns out to be simply the square of a t-score (F = t2)
    • (And likewise tested against an F-distribution that also approximates a normal dist.)
  • Note that F-tests are relatively sensitive to deviations from normality
    • t-tests are a bit less sensitive

Basic Concepts of ANOVAs

Assumptions of ANOVAs etc.

  • A group of similar tests
  • That all follow the basic idea of a linear regression
    • I.e., assuming the relationship between the predictors (IVs) and outcome (DV) is linear
    • And assuming any deviations from linearity are entirely due to error
  • Also assumes the variables and error all all normally distributed
    • Since it uses F-tests, this assumption is worth investigating more than usual

What ANOVAs Test

  • ANOVAs are designed to test if two or more groups differ in the mean value of the outcome
    • E.g., if patients of different races tend to have different mean levels of blood lipids (e.g., LDLs)
  • So:
    • The outcome variable (DV) is continuous
    • The main predictors are nominal
    • But ANOVAs can contain other types of predictors that are continuous, etc.
      • These are called by different names (discussed below)

What ANOVAs Test (cont.)

  • ANOVAs are also designed to conduct “omnibus” tests
    • If a predictor is found to be significant, it means that there is one or more significant difference somewhere in that variable
      • E.g., that one or more racial groups have different mean levels of blood LDLs
  • We must then conduct post hoc tests to see where these differences are
    • E.g., conduct a series of t-tests to see which races differed in levels of LDLs

What ANOVAs Test (cont.)

  • The use of an initial, omnibus is intentional:
    • The initial omnibus test is used to control for conducting too many significance tests
    • And thus helping control for false positives (Type 1 errors)
  • Tests of one variable alone is called a test of that variables main effect
    • We can also test the interactions between two (or more) variables

Types of ANOVAs

The ANOVA Family

  • There is a “family” of tests that all are related mathematically
    • And all given names similar to “ANOVA”
  • All use ordinary least squares to compute the linear regression
    • And similar (but not identical) methods to estimate error
    • Differences in computing the error term is the main way they differ

Types of ANOVAs

Name Number of
Outcome Variables
Types of Predictors Notes
One-way ANOVA 1 1 nominal
Two-way ANOVA 1 2 nominal
Multi-way ANOVA 1 3+ nominal
ANCOVA 1 1+ nominal
1+ continuous
Originally, the continuous variables were to control for their effects
MANOVA 2+ 1+ nominal
Measure ANOVA
1 1+ nominal The outcome is measured more than once

N.b., we can also have, e.g., a repeated measures MANCOVA

The End