Individual Differences and
Three Building Blocks of Analysis
- Variability: The degree of differences within a set
of scores
- Covariability: The degree to which variability in
one set of scores corresponds with variability in another set
- Interpretation: Making sense of the arbitrary
scores of tests
The Nature of Variability
- We assume that people differ (or might differ) with respect to their
behaviors, genetics, attitudes/beliefs, etc.
- Inter-individual differences: differences between
people (e.g., in their levels of an attribute)
- Intra-individual differences: differences emerging
in one person over time or in difference circumstances (e.g.,
Importance of Individual Differences
- For health & social science research:
- We seek to understand differences among people (causes,
consequences, etc.)
- For applied health & social science science:
- Important decisions/interventions are based upon differences among
Variability and Distributions of Scores
- A set of test scores (from different people) is a “distribution” of
- The differences within that distribution are called
- How can we quantitatively describe a distribution of scores,
including its variability?
- At least three kinds of information
Describing a Distribution:
An Example Distribution
A set of IQ scores:
Describing a Distribution:
Central Tendency
- What is the typical score in the distribution, which score is most
representative of the entire distribution?
\(\text{Mean} = \overline{X} = \frac{\Sigma
\(\overline{X} = \frac{100 + 120 + 100 + 90
+ 130 + 110}{6} = \frac{660}{6} = 110\)
\(\overline{X} = \frac{660}{6} =
Describing a Distribution:
- To what degree do the scores differ from each other?
- Variance
- Standard deviation
- In terms of “the degree to which scores deviate (differ) from the
mean of the distribution”
\(\text{Variance} = s^{2} = \frac{\sum{(X -
Describing a Distribution:
Variability (cont.)
\(s^{2} = \frac{\sum{(X -
\(\ \ \ \ = \frac{(110 - 110)^{2} + (120 -
110)^{2} + (100 - 110)^{2} + (90 - 110)^{2} + (130 - 110)^{2} + (110 -
\(\ \ \ \ = \frac{(0)^{2} + (10)^{2} +
(-10)^{2} + (-20)^{2} + (20)^{2} + (0)^{2}}{6}\)
\(\ \ \ \ = \frac{0 + 100 + 100 + 400 +
400 + 0}{6}\)
\(\ \ \ \ = \frac{1000}{6}\)
\(\ \ \ \ = 166.67\)
Describing a Distribution:
Standard Deviation (cont.)
\(\text{Standard Deviation} = s =
\sqrt{s^{2}} = \sqrt{\frac{\sum(X - X^{2})}{N}}\)
\(s = \sqrt{s^{2}} = \sqrt{166.67} =
- Standard deviation is (simply) a measure of how far scores are—on
average—from the sample mean
- It is the average distance from the mean
Association Between Distributions
- Covariability: The degree to which two
distributions of scores (e.g., X and Y) vary in a corresponding
- Two types of information about covariability:
- Direction: positive/direct or negative/inverse
- Magnitude: strength of association
Association Between
- Covariance (Cxy): a statistical index of
- Direction of association
- Cxy > 0 Positive association, high
scores on X tend to go with high scores on Y, and low scores on X tend
to go with low scores on Y
- Cxy < 0 Negative association, high
scores on X tend to go with low scores on Y, and low scores on X tend to
go with high scores on Y
- Cxy = 0 No association, high scores on X
tend to go with high scores on Y just as often as they go with low
scores on Y)
- But covariance does not provide clear information about the
magnitude of association
Association Between
- Correlation (e.g., rxy, or just r): a
standardized index of covariability
- Direction of association is the same as Cxy
- r > 0 Positive association
- r < 0 Negative association
- r = 0 No association
- Magnitude of association
- -1 ≤ r ≤ 1
- As r gets closer to |1|, stronger association