Companion to the Nursing Ph.D. & DNP Statistics Curricula

A set of explanations, lectures, resources, and activities to complement the statistics curriculum that is part of Hunter College’s Ph.D. Program in Nursing Research and Health Equity and DNP Program.

Wm. Ellery Samuels, Ph.D.


February 25, 2025


This “book” is a companion to the statistics courses offered as part of the Ph.D. in Nursing Research program at Hunter College, CUNY. It also provides supplemental materials for Hunter’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program.

Very much a work in progress—and anyway intended to be in addition to and not instead of the many resources elsewhere—this companion currently contains:

  • A discussion of making connections between the concepts of significance, correlations & partial/semipartial correlations, signal-to-noise ratios, and model building (Chap. 1)
  • An explanation of effect size (Chap. 2)
  • Step-by-step guides to using various stat-related software (Chaps. 711)
  • A hands-on guide to writing Results sections (Chap. 12)
  • Activities that expand upon the statistical concepts covered in the courses and the hands-on activities that apply & reinforce those concepts (Chaps. 1317)
  • Tables of common statistical abbreviations and terms along with their meanings (Apps. A & B)
  • A small collection of decision trees (flowcharts) to decide which analysis to conduct (App. C)


This companion is created 2022 – present by William Ellery Samuels, Ph.D., under a Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial–ShareAlike license. (Note that the “Published” date listed above is in fact the date of the most-recent revisions.)

It is produced through Bookdown in the RStudio environment. HTML-version fonts are Bona Nova for text, Ubuntu Mono for code blocks, and Latin Modern Math for formulas. PDF-version fonts are TeX Gyre Bonum for both text & formulas and TeX Gyre Adventor for code blocks. It has been built with:

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 P ── Loaded and on-disk path mismatch.


