5 NURS 915 & 916: Applied Statistics 1 & 2
This “chapter” contains links to the presentations and materials covered in the Applied Statistics courses of the curriculum, NURS 915 and 916.
5.1 Major Principles & Practices in Biostatistics
- Please note that this deck of slides scales differently than most of the other decks here; you may need to zoom in or our to see the whole slides.
This presentation covers:
- Review of descriptive
- Inferential statistics and their major assumptions
- Sources of variance and the signal-to-noise ratio
- Designing and answering questions
- Basic assumptions in hypothesis testing
5.2 Probabilities, Risks, Hazards, Odds, and the Normal & χ² Distributions
As the title indicates, this presentation covers:
- Risks/probabilities and risk ratios
- Hazards and hazard ratios
- Odds and odds ratios
- The Normal Distribution
- The χ² Distribution
5.3 Reporting Statistics & Writing Results Sections
5.3.1 Writing Results
Additional information and resources are given in Chapter 12.
5.3.2 Presenting Results (Guidelines for Creating Figures)
5.4 Correlations and Partial Correlations
Additional information and resources are given in Chapter 13.
5.5 Linear Regression Review and Testing Models Theoretically
5.5.1 Introduction to Linear Regression
5.5.2 Testing Models
- A Zoom recording from a previous semester, this recording contains a review of linear models and introduction to tests of model fits.
- An other Zoom recording from a prior semester, this covers an explanation of ANOVAs and their qualities vs. general linear models
This presentation covers:
- A review of linear Regression
- The concept and practice of testing model fit
5.6 Analyses of Longitudinal Data
- Yet an other Zoom recording from a prior semester, we discuss:
- Longitudinal analyses, including some of their benefits and challenges
- A brief comparison of the merits of pre-post difference scores, including pretest covariates in ANCOVAs, and repeated-measures ANOVAs.
- An introduction to the sorts of multilevel models of change that Singer & Willett (2003) describe
- Yet an other Zoom recording from a prior semester, we discuss:
Additional information and resources—including steps to conducting them in SPSS—are all currently located in Chapter 17.
5.7 Logistic Regresssion
5.8 Structural Equation Models
Structural equation models can be considered a sort of bridge between generalized linear regression and the factor analyses we’ll cover in NURS 925, Psychometric Methods.